Tuesday, August 9, 2011

Daily Thoughts 8/9/2011

Studio Shot of Reclining Woman Reading A Book, Silver Albumen Photograph Taken between 1800 and 1899 at the Brooklyn Museum.

Daily Thoughts 8/9/2011

This morning, I read some more of Nonprofit Management 101.  The book reminded me that diversity includes disability which can happen to anyone as well as aging which also happens to everyone. I continued reading it on the way home.  The section on advocacy was quite interesting.  Every chapter ends with a list of books and websites to visit.   I still have not had a chance to check on many of the websites.

I checked the Twitter and Facebook accounts.  I also checked the displays.  It is always interesting looking for books which relate to the latest news; subjects like the federal reserve, Apple computers, and Afghanistan.  I also checked the email reference and made sure the holders for event flyers and readers advisory bookmarks were full. I am trying to get an article about Ereaders into the local papers. 

I am also keeping in contact with Kenneth C. Davis.  I have friended him on Facebook and Twitter.  Hopefully, we should have a few people to volunteer for the computer lab soon also.

Tonight we have our computer class from 6:00-7:00 p.m. in the computer lab.  It has been going very well.

Jim Collins has a new book Great By Choice.  He is the author of Good to Great.

Web Bits

Publishing Gives Hints of Revival, Data Show

Why Nonprofit Social Media is Unique

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