Monday, August 22, 2011

Daily Thoughts 8/22/2011

Ларионов Михаил Федорович. Портрет поэта Велимира Хлебникова. 1910
 Daily Thoughts 8/22/2011

 I finished reading The Non-Designers Web Book 2nd Edition written by Robin Williams and John Tollett this morning. I plan on handing it off to a colleague tomorrow.  I thought it was quite interesting.  It helped me make a  few decisions about this site.I still have quite a bit to look at.

This morning, I spent a bit of time looking at Facebook and Twitter.  People are steadily adding themselves to the Facebook site.

I also spent some time on

I also started reading Make It Stick by Chip Heath and Dan Heath.   

There is a webinar on Introduction to InDesign CS5 which I have started watching.

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