Wednesday, August 17, 2011

Daily Thoughts 8/17/2011

Part of the collection: Bookplates. Inscription on bookplate: "Lionel Lindsay ex libris". Handwritten in pencil on bookplate: "Proof". "1933"--on album page. Title supplied by cataloguer

Daily Thoughts 8/17/2011

This morning I read a little bit more of Stand And Deliver.  Right now the book is writing about persuasion and emotion.  It reminds us that everyone is interested in themselves.

I spent some time getting raffle tickets ready for the Adult Summer Reading Tea.  I also checked the displays, and looked over the Facebook page.  I also checked on Twitter.  I bought some tea this morning and cookies.  We are also going to have some small sandwiches. 

I spent some time in the computer lab from 2:00-3:00 p.m. helping a few people with job searching.

We had the Adult Summer Reading Tea today from 4:00-6:00 p.m.  We raffled off a bag of books for people who participated in the Adult Summer Reading program.  We also served tea, coffee,  and cookies and discussed the library.  Part of the discussion centered around creating a Biography book club in September.  Quite a few of the attendees were from the Friends of the Mount Vernon Public Library.  They are going to have a meeting soon.

We also discussed a variety of books which we had been reading.  Some of them were The Reader by Bernhardt Schlink, Happy All the Time by Laurie Colwin which is a romantic comedy of manners, No Country for Old Men by Cormac McCarthy, and American Gods by Neil Gaiman.

This was the finish for the Adult Summer Reading Program.  It is the second Adult Summer Reading program which we have run.  It went better than last year.  We had more people who were interested in the program.  It also had more involvement with the Mount Vernon Public Library Friends of the LIbrary.

The graphic novel, Feynman written by Jim Ottaviani, illustrated by Leland Myrick, and coloring by Hilary Sycamore came in for me to read.  

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