This is READ AN E-BOOK WEEK, a celebration of reading GREEN.
Why e-books, you ask?
* They're green. It takes 12 trees to produce a ton of paper - and only 5% is recycled, according to environmental notes on the Read an E-Book Week website.
* They take up less space. The Kindle and Sony E-book Reader let you store hundreds of books. Think of the savings in money on textbooks (and less strain on students' backs!)
* Less eye-strain? While not everyone likes to read electronically, you can adjust the text size and font. A bonus for older readers.
* Cost. E-books are cheaper.
Will they replace print books? I doubt it. Books are still something that no one wants to see disappear. But e-books are a good option.
While not everyone likes to read on a computer or other device, I think young readers who grew up with computers think of it as "normal." They're used to reading online and using computers in school. Many writers are used to reading on the computer, also. I know I don't mind reading stories on my computer and think an e-book reader itself would be neat.
Hopefully e-book readers will come down even more in price as popularity increases so that they will appeal to more people and pocketbooks.
** Do you Kindle? Read Searching For A Starry Night on Kindle.
** E-book: Read THE WITCH TREE at Fictionwise - only $1!
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