Saturday, October 3, 2009

The Cost of Bad Behavior How Incivility Is Damaging Your Business And What To Do About It by Christine Pearson and Christine Porath

The Cost of Bad Behavior How Incivility Is Damaging Your Business And What To Do About It by Christine Pearson and Christine Porath, Foreward by Warren Bennis

This book is about how civility effects performance in a business setting. It describes the consequences of uncivil behavior; reduced productivity, lost work hours, and increasing employee attrition are a few of the consequences.

It is more than just about people being treated uncivilly. It is also about the consequences to people who are acting uncivil; lack of promotion, loss of sales, and bad reputation. No customer likes seeing employees arguing or acting inappropriately.

There are some examples of companies who benefit from having employee conduct standards; Disney, Microsoft, Cisco Systems, and Starbucks relate how civility has improved their bottom line.

The writing in the book is grammatically tight, polite, and gratifying.

The last section of the book is on how to solve problems related to poor employee behavior. I especially liked the chapter on how manners effect ones future social and professional status.

This is an excellent and timely book.

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