Monday, February 28, 2011


 Sketch with Color, by Auguste Rodin

Want the change. Be inspired by the flame
where everything shines as it disappears.
The artist, when sketching, loves nothing so much
as the curve of a body as it turns away.

What locks itself in sameness has congealed.
Is it safer to be gray and numb?
What turns hard becomes rigid
and is easily shattered.

Pour yourself out like a fountain.
Flow into the knowledge that what you are seeking
finishes often at the start, and, with ending, begins.

Every happiness is the child of a separation
it did not think it could survive. And Daphne, becoming a laurel,
dares you to become the wind.

Sonnets to Orpheus II, 12

Daily Thoughts 2/28/2011 (Twelve, twitter)

[Mary Roberts Rinehart, three-quarter length, seated, facing left, reading book]

Daily Thoughts 2/28/2011 

Today has been another quiet, steady day.  I did what I usually do; check the displays, do some weeding in the storage area, go through the gifts.  We got a few gifts by the authors Omar Tyree and Eric Jerome Dickey who are very popular African American novelists.  Our budget has been cut to the bone, so it is a necessity for me to check this regularly.

I also took some time to check on the missing items report.  There were a few minor snags with the report.  The public service survey is now back on the front of the website.  I have been steadily working on the library Twitter account, it is up to 92 followers.  Each month it will steadily grow.

I have been reading Twelve by Jasper Kent.  The story is a bit different.  It is set in Russia during the Napoleonic invasion.  A lot of the story happens in Moscow.  It is both a story about warfare, spycraft, and vampires.  The vampires are more than just terrible creatures. They are terrible creatures that hunt men in the name of nation building and war.  There is a back story in this about Wallachia and the Turkish invasions which is a bit different. 

Essa é pra matar... ou morrer!

Que a Carolina Ferraz cozinha muito bem, todo mundo já sabe. Aí ontem, assistindo uma entrevista da Marília Gabriela com a Luíza Brunnet, eu quase pedi pra morrer!
A mulher é linda (e convenhamos que o tempo tem sido bem generoso com ela), elegantérrima, e ainda lava, passa, cozinha e gosta de fazer faxina!
Visualiza a cena: Luiza Brunnet fazendo faxina.
Conseguiu? Nem eu!
Mas o assunto saiu porque um fotógrafo deu um flagra nela justamente assim.
Agora, lembra como você fica fazendo faxina... Pronto, pediu pra morrer também?
Então que você se mata na faxina que é pra sobrar o dinheiro do cabeleireiro... Pra ela não, ela adora cuidar do cabelo. E estava lá, com o cabelo maravilhoso, onde nenhum profissional havia colocado a mão.
E no final das contas ainda é bem resolvida! Falou claramente que tem 49 anos e que isso não é um problema, que fez uma carreira baseada em muito nu (e daí?), que fez um aborto, que não foi uma boa atriz quando teve oportunidade, que tem alguns probleminhas com o ex-marido, que se sente sozinha às vezes, que já fracassou como empresária algumas vezes...
Uma exposição que tiraria o glamour de qualquer uma, mas não dela!
Pra completar, ela diz que adora fazer essas coisas porque se sente mais mulherzinha.
Eu já disse isso sobre a Carolina, e agora repito:
Se ela disser que pinta, borda, costura e faz crochet, eu mato! Porque aí já é partir pra humilhação...

Para um despertar mais feliz

Faz tempo que eu queria um e de repente olhei para uma vitrine e ele estava lá...

Agora ele está na minha mesinha de cabeceira, sobre a toalha de crochê (presente da sogra) e da caixinha porta jóias (presente do meu filho).
E ele está tocando agora!

Sunday, February 27, 2011

The Unspeaking Center

 Abandon, by Camille Claudel;
Claudel was Auguste Rodin's troubled muse

She who reconciles the ill-matched threads
of her life, and weaves them gratefully
into a single cloth—
it's she who drives the loudmouths from the hall
and clears it for a different celebration

where the one guest is you.
In the softness of evening
it's you she receives.

You are the partner of her loneliness,
the unspeaking center of her monologues.
With each disclosure you encompass more
and she stretches beyond what limits her,
to hold you.

The Book of Hours I, 17

Daily Thoughts 2/27/2011 (We Claim These Stars, The Digital Experience)

Nihonzutsumi no rakugan tamaya uchi Tamagushi, Print shows Tamagushi, a courtesan, full-length portrait, with several hairpins, seated, reading a scroll; picture hanging on the wall above her shows geese descending on the Nihon embankment.  Date Created/Published: [between 1818 and 1822]

Daily Thoughts 2/27/2011

I finished reading Designing The Digital Experience by David Lee King.  This book takes a different approach to designing websites.  It focuses on the customers experience inside a web site.  It is very much Web 2.0 focused and describes services like Twitter, Facebook, and Youtube.  For David Lee King a website is more than just content and service; it is the total experience which a person has when visiting a site. The site must be easy to use, easy to find things on, browsable, searchable, and focused.  I liked the concept of merit badging or collecting experiences.  I collect experiences when I visit conventions or go to meetings then I write them down here.

I am starting reading an old Ace paperback with the code G-697 which is a series code used by Ace books.  The title is We Claim These Stars by Poul Anderson.  It is classic science fiction from 1959.  It features the character "Flandry of Terra."

This was classic science fiction with a flamboyant character.  I like that Clive's, Flandry's assistant used growth hormone to heal his wounds.  There is something old fashioned about this. The cover art for the book is by Kelly Freas, it has a nostalgic, slightly cheesy, sparkly look to it.  I like Kelly Freas's artwork, it is very expressive.  It is also a much faster, shorter read than todays science fiction novels.  Hopefully, the web will open up shorter form science fiction again.  Things which you can read in several hours.

Web Bits

Citizen/Public Journalism Bibliography Citizen/Public Journalism Bibliography

Ai que saudade da minha secretária!

Hoje é domingo e eu estou arranjando a casa...
E pra fazer isso hoje trabalhei ontem até às 10 da noite.
Minha secretária está de férias e minha casa um caos! Tudo bem, está limpa, porque tem outra cobrindo as férias dela, mas tudo fora do lugar!
Toalha de mesa misturada com lençóis, lençol de solteiro no meu quarto (imagino que os de casal estejam nos quartos dos meninos), até os viróis e as fronhas das camas estão desencontrados! E olha que eu guardo tudo junto, cada conjunto em um saquinho plástico...
Ontem fui fazer a compra de supermercado, está toda lá pra eu guardar. Caos total!
O único alívio é pensar que na quarta-feira tudo volta ao normal!

E você, acha que a sua secretária não é assim tão boa? Experimenta dar férias pra ela!

Domingo glamour zero, por um ambiente mais habitável...